Archive | February, 2014

Some Easy, Yet Highly Paid Jobs!

24 Feb

It’s not necessary that you have to be a surgeon or a pilot to be earning a good living. There are a few jobs that are easy, yet highly paid. Let’s discuss a few of them below:

Fitness Trainer: A lot of people, who visit the gym, require a personal trainer to supervise them with their workout. A few require personal trainers because they are suffering from some medical issues and need professional guidance on what equipments to use and how to use them. Personal trainers can earn up to $25,500 and can be hired either on permanent or temporary contracts.

Every occasion photographer: Another highly paid job is that of a photographer. If you have an eye for details and are good in taking picture, you can certainly plan your career as a photographer. Everyone wants their special moments to be captured in the best possible way by professionals and are ready to pay as much as it takes to preserve those precious moments. On an average, photographers can easily earn up to $26,000 depending on how good they are at their job.

Songwriter: If you enjoy writing songs, you probably have a chance to earn up to $40,000 depending on how creative you are. You don’t necessarily have to be a musician, rather you can sell your songs to music artists or earn royalties for years if it becomes successful.

Therapist: Massage therapists are highly trained and charge a high fee to their clients. Many people love the soothing environment with aromatic incense they experience during therapy and are willing to pay a lofty amount in order to be stress free. Earnings for massage therapists can go up to $50,000.

Artists: Artists can earn up to $60,000 depending on how unique designs they can come up with be it painting or sculptures.

App Developers: It is an excellent idea and can develop apps, you can certainly earn a hefty amount depending on how much people love your idea.